Red & White fresh flowers hantaran, specially done for ZiraRED from Kg.Melayu, Johor Bahru...
Zira claimed herself 'pencinta merah' because she loves RED so much...u should see her wearing all red on her big-day..and of course the colour reflects her beauty! *wink*
p/s: can't wait to get pix fr her :) zira, jgn lupe kasi pic ek..

Her motto ~ R.E.D is equal to Z.I.R.A ! woweeee :)
and obviously for both her hantaran, RED is a must colour to be included...
and she requested on red & white theme for her side..and on the other hand, red & purple theme for the bridegroom's side...(in the previous entry)

so, to fullfill her dreams, we used red carnations, white lily (heart the smell *__*) and white orchids...and a hint of green..

we really enjoyed working on both Zira's hantaran..smiling all the way from the start till the end while decorating her hantaran...why eh? aura MERAH kot...hehe:P

and..finally, we were glad that Zira love both our creation so much...:))
and we are happy too for being part of your special day..
Selamat Pengantin Baru to Zira & Khalis!!

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