Wedding hantaran done for Nadra Liyana from Bandar Baru Uda,JB to her beloved hubby, Khalil Gibran from Putrajaya...Her wedding theme was purple n, since we both loves 'sweet william' so much..i took d effort to look around for SW n thank God i finally found it..(here in JB) was so happy to deco d hantaran with purple n cream roses+white chrysanthemums and of course d lovely sweet williams!
Thanks a lot to Nad for hiring me,and i did enjoyed working with her...such a lovely girl,easy-to-deal-with and i was truly happy n enjoyed completing d task for her..Am glad u love all of 'em so much! Congrats n Selamat Pengantin Baru to Nadra & Gibran!
Crystal Bridal Bouquet for Nadra Liyana solemnisation ceremony at Masjid Bandar Baru Uda,JB.. A combination of dark n light purple crystals + pearls :)
~ the color can be custom made according to your theme or contact us for details ya..:) ~
Wedding Hantaran using Fresh Flowers for Nurul Aini from Taman Suria,Kebun Teh,JB..The color combinations: pink,white/cream n choosen were roses n chrysanthemums to create d fresh & english look :) TQ Aini & Shahrul..
These 3-tier wedding cake is specially designed by Syiraz Lil Cottage for a sweet-romantic couple Nadra Liyana & Khalil Gibran....fresh roses n sweet williams are decorated on the cake to make it looks lovely as the bride&bridegroom.
The finishing part n the final touch(fresh flower deco) was done by me..and the yummy-licious cake was baked by my cutie fren Comel from Thanks Nad! Enjoy!
So,if u seem busy n dont have enough time preparing for your wedding cake..u can always rely on me:) all i need to know is ur theme clr and wats ur budget like...and its all done! i will plan n design everything for headache no confussion..!! kindly drop an email or contact us :)