First of all, we would like to thank Faridah for choosing us to do her engagement hantaran...
it was really quick for her to decide and booked us...according to what she said..she really admires our touch n deco so much...*wink wink*..thankss again for the trust in SLC!!

faridah is such a lovable girl...friendly and nice...at first she wanted her hantaran to be pink & white...but finally she changed her mind..to add in green in order to make it looks lively and hottie..:P

and..alhamdulillah, she loved all of it...the colour combination, the flowers, the arrangements and the deco...tq again!:)...
oh ya..if u noticed, the left pic below was the chocolate cake, by mommy with love,specially baked for Shahir (Faridah's fiancee)....it looks & smells yummy,cant deny it..:P
and lastly, the right pic below was the bunga rampai....owwwww niceeee smell...love it!!
